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Tag Archives: YouTube

I’ve been writing so much I’ve forgotten to post here.  I shall be fixing that in the coming days.  I’m going to try to make sure they are the latest revisions more than in order of creation.  *smiles*  Hopefully I can catch up with myself.

I am working on a creative writing assignment on crime scenes currently as well as dealing with the death of a very close friend on the heals of another friend’s death.  You may notice these losses touching my writing as well.

If things go right tonight/this morning, I will be publishing into Mia Mina Talks series while working on the biographical information on the Brothers Grimm for my first of the Mia Mina Reads series as requested by my granddaughter, Kinsley.

Stay tuned and Stay Safe!

Today is my grandmother’s birthday….My mind is thinking of her more and more recently though I’m not sure why.

I believe I have Facebook linked back in with the creation of the page.  I need to set up somethings for the page, but at least it is a start.  Hopefully I can figure out why Twitter and Tumbler are acting weird now.

I also added in Linked in – Welcome to those joining from there.  Not sure how this looks there, but will be looking at that as well soon.

14 Day Challenge is on hold as I have a piece I’m working on that is due on May 31st.  When that is completed and turned in.  It will be published here.  This is a piece that may grow afterwards depending on how well it does.  I’m looking forward to seeing how people react to it.

I have re-recorded the voice over for the YouTube welcome video.  I have not added the video as of yet.  That is coming up soon depending on how things go.  First, I really have to get this other project completed.

I’ve moved most of my projects into Scrivener.  I’ve had to do some house cleaning with it already by moving all the Amino projects into one file.  Hopefully the new order there will help me get to all of the open projects in a timely manner.

After the first,  I’ve got to chose which Author I’m starting with on YouTube so I can start getting the biographical data together and fact checking it.  This will be a new adventure as well.  I’m going to have to look for images I can use which will add to the text.  Hoping that I can find some public domain ones though I may have some other options open to me as well.

Ok, I think that is everything for today.  I think the next post will be when I get the one project turned in so there may not be another post till June 1st….BUT That is my wedding anniversary.  I may not get anything posted till the second.

Stay tuned and Stay Safe!

I know it has been a few days since my last post.  No, I’m not falling back into non-posting again.  I had a flare up of my RRMS with the thunderstorms we had here.  Wonderfully timed, it caused my right side to completely feel like it was ceased up.  I’m pretty sure there were other complications there which I will have to deal with, mainly over doing it in general, but that is something I’m still having to work out.  It made it difficult to type.

Then I was hit by a migraine.  Thank you Mother’s day.

So I’m getting back on my feet so to speak.

Then yesterday hit.  May 20th.  My Mother’s birthday.  I was honestly on the verge of tears for most of the day when I was awake.  I managed to work my way out of the migraine then live through the after migraine headache.  I miss my mother more and more it seems.  I’ve been thinking about her and my grandmother, whose birthday is May 28th, a lot lately.  Trying to find the money as well as a way to put flowers on their graves.

I know where my grandmother is buried I’m just not sure how to get the flowers to her grave.  I don’t know if I can get the grave site for my mother.  I’ll have to talk with my sister about it.  I’m still trying to get her to send me a picture of the house we lived in for the first 10 years of my life.

I’ve been looking at trying to find a new look for here.  I’ve not found anything I really like.  I’ll have to go though the themes again.  There may be one or two I can alter somehow to get what I want it to look like.  Then again, I may have to stay with this one.  I don’t know.

In other projects, I finally finished my first YouTube video.  However, I’m thinking I need to redo the vocals on it.  However, I am pretty happy with it otherwise.  You can find it here.   I would love some feedback.  I am still trying to figure out how to add favorite channels and separate them to groups.  However, I’ve got two possibly three more videos I want to get done this week.

I have a lot of things I need to get working on for this site and YouTube.  I hope you will all come along for this journey.

So, tomorrow will start the WCA: 14 Day Challenge here.  I’m also working on a FanFiction Challenge, an assignment from CAC, a poetry challenge, and a Create a Story Challenge.  Lots of things coming up as well as hoping to make some other changes in the process.

Stay tuned and Stay Safe!